Saturday, April 07, 2007

The "Wow" Starts With Hypocrisy..

After weeks of campaigning on how Windows Vista is so completely and utterly rubbish, I have gone back and installed it simply because it's so pretty, and a sad realization that I'll eventually have to use it anyway, so why not start now?

As you can see from the screenshot, it's really very pretty; and I hope the system stays pretty much stable. I still blame Bill Gates appearing on The Daily Show for nudging me into my decision to using the Vista CD I have kept stashed away somewhere in the room. As much as I still maintain that he is the work of pure evil and that Microsoft is the end of all things free and lovely for computing as well as the internet, (and your very soul perhaps?) but he seemed like a pretty okay guy. Jon Stewart really did poke fun at him though, and the fact that if The Daily Show did in some weird off-key way promote surely can't be THAT bad...or can it? Either ways, it's 4:08am, and the PC's pretty much set up... (I started all this Vista marlakey at 11am) so I gotta go...oh and by the way, to all you avid readers of TMS, we would like to wish you HAPPY EASTER!


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