Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Return Of The Masterful Surprise

Not that soon, not that soon...but it will happen, and I do hope it happens according to a brief burst of nostalgia mixed with a heavy dosage of will to make it coupled with the fact that it's actually 5:08 in the morning, and Jay Chou's been looping on the laptop (Eh?), it suddenly becomes clear what the whole plot is. It's a very different plot from that originally planned (okay, so maybe the fundamentals are the same; but the outlook might be a bit different..), and with that whole project kay becoming a distant memory; along with the original plot pretty much vanishing out the window the moment I set foot on that bus that got all of this madness going in the first place. The past month(s) (has it really been that long?) have been a confused, weird thing really. It's hard to tell which part of this is reality, or indeed a very long dream that I just cooked up from one too many late night snacks. I have trouble believing what I've gone and done. I have even more trouble actually believing it actually happened. It's just gone by too fast. It's just one surreal picture that does not include any room for error. Losing the plot was really an issue. Partly because losing the plot that held up all this in the first place is a very dangerous thing to do. I would like to clarify that the plot is not conventional, nor is it what you think it is. It really is a messed up thing, something that I really don't want to note here. Though I really wasn't clear of the plot to begin with, or what it involved. Which makes losing it kinda hard. That's what The Masterful Surprise really is all about: the ability to astonish, or in this case, the ability to lose something you never had in the first place. However, I think I'm beginning to shape together a new one (a plot that is..); and the funny thing is, the new plot really doesn't really differ from the fundamentals that always was the driving force behind it all anyway.

On another note, (and I think I already told Ian this) it's funny what you miss when you're far away from home. And now, now, most of you ready to say I told you so; then pointing at the ability to have mamaks or whatever normal people miss when they leave home will be very wrong. First off, I do not miss the food. I only miss the chicken chop; simply because the idiots who portray it as western food when it's really a recipe cooked up by some hainanese back in the day gave me no warning of this. Chicken Schnitzel is NOT THE SAME THING. Secondly, I would like to point out, for some very weird reason, I miss driving 180km/h on the NKVE and Federal Highways. I really do. I think about it almost everyday. It's annoyingly weird. I also miss Hartz Chicken Buffet, but that one is annnyways... there might be a couple of things I miss about home, but those are the main's weird how they have excellent chicken rice here (and I mean absolutely stunning) with equally excellent waitresses to boot..AND NO CHICKEN CHOP.'s getting late...back to stalking that beautiful japanese girl I keep bumping into in the elevator (cue Harold & Kumar moment minus the nice bits at the end)

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