Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Orido MAX Style

This is Manabu "Maximum" Orido, and he is a japanese man. He drifts cars really well. His style is taking it to the max.



Life in Pictures

Often, we have this romantic link to a certain concept to life, one that we see as perfection. A life in a picture. The picture on the left is not really my ideal life, but it comes close. This is a picture painted by some marketing department to shout in your ear and say "hey you! get a PS2! look at the life you can have!", and to be fair, some people do indeed have such a perfect looking life. I've seen it, felt it, but have never lived it fully and that is why I keep chasing the life in pictures. My pictures.

It's true. You never know what you can lose until you've had it.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Masterful Art Collection

Here it is! In all it's glory the first limited piece of the Masterful Art Collection, entitled "Flight of The Cock", a contemporary art piece that is, and will always remain a true classic; simply because unlike some other art pieces that just sits there and does nothing, this one does it stylishly, and more importantly, masterfully. Our resident TMS contributor Randy Andy was spotted grabbing his crotch every time he passed by the art piece. When asked why he only muttered something about it being "powerful yet so sexy" before running off to the washroom with a box of tissues. The piece represents today's lifestyle, the end of monogamy and keen female art enthusiasts are bound to find more uninterpreted new meaning simply by staring at it when not wearing underwear. Kids can also spend hours on end laughing at the giant cock while entertaining themselves to a simple maze game also included in the piece.

Limited to 3 worldwide.

Bids start at $25,000. Contact TMS offices to get hold of a chance to own one.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

YUI Are My Number 1!

It is day four of 2006 and nothing feels remotely noveau. Nothing feels like a big different year. It's 2006, that's six years since the y2k scam, a time where the generation X fad has become so passe. And that says something. This year (as was last year actually) is actually nothing new. What was new has become everyday life. And what is everyday life is the same. The question we need be answered is this : do we really need change? I've heard that change is good, it brings new concepts and ideas together and that in turn brings nice new things to your life. However, I've also heard that familiarity breeds content. Content? I think more like contentment. We get used to things we're familiar with, we get comfortable. Changes are high risk manouevers that we may not all be prepared for at all times. But it is in that non-preparation that we learn. The human race is not really a race at all. It's a confused gene-pool of evolution that doesn't know where it's heading and more importantly; it doesn't know why. This explains why people often question their purpose in life. I was posed such a question at a forum the other day, and interestingly enough, the answer came rather easily. My purpose in life is current. And in that purpose is to listen to this really awesome single by YUI, who happens to be really cute as well. Oh how I love her life video. Makes me melt.

New year. New philosophy. In girl we thrust.