Sunday, June 24, 2007

Up Is Down.

It's the holiday time, and yet it doesn't really feel like the hols. I really believe I did more during the semester, and by doing more I really mean having more fun; having a crazy time whilst trying to balance classes and work. Now it's become rather laid back; up until the point almost that I haven't really had any time (wait..substitute that with motivation)to work out even.

Ah the joys. Reminds me of that Offspring opening to Smash. Good album that one. It pretty much summed up my mid-teens: roller-blading, R/C cars and The Offspring. That and my back neighbour's really really cute sister. If I could only remember her name. Cause' I sure as hell can remember her face.

Oh lovely. So where was I? Right. The holidays. I'm here typing this at 2:54am with YUI playing in the background; waiting for my sheets to get dry because the washer/dryer didn't do the job right the first time around. I've been sick again these past two days. I'm not sure whether it's the accumulation of the baked stuff and late nights; that few bottles of Smirnoff OR the coffee I've been drinking. It's French. Noir or something. It's lovely. It really is. But anyhow, I'm not getting off the coffee; so I better think of other ways not to get sick. I really don't like being sick (really,who does?-Ed) and yes, it's like really, really annoying. I just can't seem to do the things I want to do well, or at least; comfortably. Hopefully the end of this sickness marks continuing progress to my plans.

Like Jack Sparrow once said, really "Up is down."

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