Friday, June 02, 2006

Having CLS

Been spending the last few days giving Jamiroquai's Live in Verona quite a bit of airplay, and it's really brilliant. The real attraction of this vid, basically most of whatever Jay Kay does, is while it does have brilliant brilliant music (even better live really), it's got an unwritten class and style to it. Almost subtle, but always present. This is the best balance of what stylissimo really is. It's not overdoing it, but balancing it with a natural style. Natural class. Most of the time people relate it to money and wealth (pretty much the same thing); however this is not the (only) way to achieve it. The key is perception. Perception on the things that matter, or more importantly, the things that don't. Having class means getting used to things that would be out of the ordinary for normal people. It means taking things for granted. And it means doing things in that context because you have the confidence that it doesn't really matter at all. Whether it does or not in reality, is a different matter. Like smoking an expensive cigar. You might've worked your ass off to get it, but if you were to smoke it like it was made of solid gold, it's really ruined. Smoke it like you would a cigarette. That's class. Concentrate on the style on handling things, not the thing itself.

Stylissimo. It's like owning a CLS and not giving a tosser because you have the 599GTB to worry about.

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