Monday, December 19, 2005

Pointless Pondering

Admittedly, it's been a while since our last update as I've been pretty (preoccupied that is) with events that suddenly pop out of nowhere. Maybe it's the festivities normally associated with this time of the year. But I think maybe not. Whatever the reason (and the reason's not you), that reason is irrelevant anyway. Pointless as well. Here I am, sat in front of my office workstation (with nothing to do at the moment due to a sudden halt in all proposed workloads) listening to Ashlee Simpson's Autobiography on my shuffle which might or might not be sold off in the next few days. But I fear to think what my days here would be like without music. My music that is. We've got Mix FM on pretty much 9-5 which really doesn't play Boyfriend or something, though I've heard Julio Iglesias's Moonlight Lady one too many times. So there. Xmas is around the corner again, and while I don't share the same enthusiasm as last year, I do feel more like doing the xmas thing. Y'know, get a tree and roast reindeer. Or something. However, at the end of it all, the fact remains that xmas is only five days away, and that's another five from new year's day, also a song by U2. The point being, which one do you look forward to? Reindeer or 2006? Elves or Fireworks? I know what I did the past few new year's. Absolutely nothing. And for some reason, I think it's going to be the same this year. And I don't really care.

Oh yeah as usual, any lovely girl that wants to get some tis' season in style can contact The Masterful Surprise team at the usual address and we'll just come right on over.

Bite your hat girl. Mmm. You look so naughty.

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